August Hunt List 2023

#Item Description / TaskPointsType
1(Image) You’ve probably drawn a turkey by tracing your hand. What other animals, plants, or objects can you make by tracing all or part of your hand or another part of your body?5
2(Image) Are you ready for take off? Transform the household item(s) of your choosing into a plane. Youngest person in your household gets to be the pilot. Oldest gets to pick the destination.12
3(Image) Mr. Rogers once said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Write a letter of appreciation to someone who is a helper7Altruist
4(Image) Soap bubble beard6
5(Image or video – up to 10 seconds). Mom always says we gotta put on our rainboots and old clothes before we play in the mud, but not today! Don an epic party outfit and go to the biggest, messiest puddle you can find and stomp in it.9
6(Image) Make a mushroom fashion accessory to honor Eugene, our mascot7
7(Video – Up to 15 seconds) Show us something that looks cooler when slowed down or sped up.10
8(Image) In Japan, Chinsekikan is a museum that features “jinmenseki” or naturally formed rocks that look like they have human faces. Find a rock that would be worthy of their collection.6
9(Image – collage). Show us three plants native to your area. Label each photo with the scientific name of the plant.5
10(Image or PDF) Listen to at least 10 songs on Forgotify – a website that features the least listened to tracks on Spotify. Pick a favorite and play the full song for a loved one. To submit, write down (or type up) the names of the 10 songs and artists you listened to and circle or highlight your favorite.11Altruist
11(Image) Every rogue team needs a rogue mascot. What’s your team mascot? Its name? Etymology? -TheBridesMaid8
12(Image) Spread Goodness Like Glitter: Create a fundraising page on your team’s Classy site (where you registered). Get at least 5 donations. We are not asking you / your teammates to donate, but rather encourage you to use your social capital to garner contributions from friends, family, and strangers. Submit a screenshot (or collage) of your donation page that showcases the total amount raised and the individual donations. Donations made prior to the start of the hunt cannot be counted towards the total. || How the funds will be used: Joel Baque was one of our first scholarship recipients when Starfish began in 2012. Joel was an excellent student in school and at Starfish. He earned a full scholarship to study at the Tecnológico Espíritu Santo after high school and he continued to leave his mark at Starfish first as a volunteer and later as an educator. Sadly, his life was cut short by cancer at the young age of 24. Joel always said, “Starfish is a synonym for excellence.” So, in 2023 for the first time, we will award a university scholarship to one Starfish Scholar graduate who demonstrates excellence in memory of Joel. The “Programa a la Excelencia ‘Joel Baque’” scholarship award will be awarded annually, and award recipients are eligible to continue to receive the scholarship for up to 5 years of undergraduate studies. Any funds not awarded in 2023 will be restricted to be used for future award recipients.150Altruist
13(Image) Book Moth.67
14(Image) Paint a canvas or sheet of paper so that it seemlessly blends into it’s background. Add a cameo from a local cryptid to the scene so that it looks like it has always been there. Like this but PAINTED.107
15(Video – up to 15 seconds) Today I dropped a grape and it rolled off the countertop, across the floor, and disappeared under the washing machine. That’s an issue for future me to deal with, however right now I have this vague idea that a wayward fruit could end up in all sorts of trouble. Film your object of choice as it rolls off to adventure. -Hattie32
16(Image) Army Ants. Show us a miniature medieval battle scene populated by live ants -Cynthia20
17(Audio or Video – up to 1 minute) Play and/or sing a popular modern song as it would sound if it was written and recorded pre-1800s.77
18(Video – up to 10 seconds) A working useless machine that would make Bruno Munari proud112
19(Video – up to 1 minute) Create a “how to” video for your favorite get-to-know-you activity or ice-breaker for pre-teens and teens.43Altruist
20(Image) When it rains, let the rain make the art for you. Put non toxic paint or other art mediums on a canvas and place it out in the rain. Show us the final creation after it has dried.34
21(Image) Misha Collins, an American actor, recently retweeted a photo of himself with the comment “that’s my hiking tuxedo”. Personally, we think a hiking tuxedo should have a little more … functionality and pizzaz. Show us (and Misha) a true “hiking tuxedo”. (If you choose to take this photo on a trail, be sure to pick a trail that matches your ability and to follow safety practices). Upload it to social media with the hashtags #HikingTuxedo #RogueHunt2023 and tag @mishacollins. Upload the screenshot of your post/tweet. This item is dedicated to our friends over at AGift4Misha73
23(Image) The Alaskan Inuit language, known as Iñupiaq, uses an oral counting system built around the human body. Research Kaktovik numerals and make a posterboard or presentation explaining their ease of use, history, and functionality and present it to at least one other person.26
24(Video – up to 15 seconds) Challenge a stranger to a football (the soccer kind, not the American kind) match. Be sure to bring along a flower or paper crown because whoever loses has to crown the other person the winner.27
25(Image – Collage) Freerice is an educational trivia game that helps you get smarter while making a difference for people around the world. Every question you answer correctly raises 10 grains of rice for the World Food Programme (WFP) to support its work saving and changing lives around the world. Convince at least 10 different people (teammates can participate if they want) to earn at least 250 grains of rice each. Screenshot their earnings and collage the results. Bonus points to the team who donates the most grains of rice.32
26(Video – up to 20 seconds) What if Captain Hook and Peter Pan practiced healthy conflict resolution? How would Darth Vader talk to Luke if he learned nonviolent communication? Make a PSA that models respectful feedback between famously conflicting characters from classic literature or modern fandoms. Sources of inspiration could include The Four Agreements, The Gottman Method, restorative justice practices, “I” language, etc. – Megan56
27(Image) Show us your best low-cost cosplay in the style of Anucha “Cha” Saengchart -Alix60
28(Video – up to 3 minutes). Make a short, fun video explaining one of the following topics: How to Use Google Docs to Write and Format an Essay in APA Style (Computer Literacy), Elastic Force and the Hooke Law (Science), How to Calculate the Area and Volume of 2D and 3D figures (Math), Vectors (Math), Current World Issues (Social Studies), or Slavery During the Colonial Period (Social Studies). The video should be appropriate for youth ages 11-17. If you, or someone you know, is able to complete this item in (fluent) Spanish, please do so. No bonus points for Spanish, but the translators will appreciate you.132Altruist
29(Image) Find and gather at least four people – each from a different generation (Alpha, Millenial, Boomer, etc.). Have them each hold up a sign with their generation and birth year.24
30(Video – horizontal – up to 2 minutes) Bring together 4 or more people to compete in a Task Master style challenge. You can use one of the many past challenges completed on the show, or invent your own. Show the participants reading the challenge, completing it, and receiving points for their attempt.49
31(Video – up to 10 seconds) I love canoeing because it’s relaxing, but sometimes we need a little more excitement in life. Turn canoeing into an extreme sport. And because safety is important, be sure to wear your safety gear which must include (but is not limited to) elbow pads, helmet, and safety goggles.87
32(Video – up to 10 seconds) Create an excel spreadsheet that can solve any Sudoko puzzle instantly, then show it in action.91
33(Video – up to 20 seconds) My kids are currently obsessed with The Kiffness, who takes samples of animals or people and turns them into great songs. Find and record your own awesome sound, whether it’s the cat miaowing, or the washing machine rumbling, and make an original song! – Hattie41
34(Video – up to 1 minute) Write and perform the best one-person one-minute play.39
35(Image) Ecuador, where the Starfish Foundation is located, is named for the Equator line that runs through it. Have a person on each side of the Equator or Prime Meridian holding hands and a sign that says “Rogue crosses borders and unites us”. If you can’t get to the Equator or the Prime Meridian, you can do this on the boundary line between any two countries.27
36(Image or PDF) Write a round of trivia questions about Starfish, Ecuador, or the topic of education. The best ones will be used in future events benefiting the Starfish Foundation30Altruist
37(Image or Video – up to 15 seconds) Get a personal team shoutout from a member of the Savannah Bananas baseball team. Bonus points if they post it on one of their own accounts. (As with all items, paying someone to do this item, including via Cameo, will result in automatic disqualification)113
38(Image) The Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world. Make your own Burj Khalifa out of cardboard or other household items.. and make it as tall as you possibly can! Take a photo of you next to your “building” with a sign that says “Rogue Hunt 2023”. – Trish56
39(Image) Show us the flags of two or more countries displayed on the same flag pole. Bonus points for Poland, Somalia, or Ecuador.33
41(Image – side-by-side) Find a book by a BIPOC author with a BIPOC character on Good Reads with less than 100 reviews. Add it to your TBR list. Post on Twitter or Instagram about the book you found and why you’re excited to read it. Tag the author. Use the hashtag #RogueHunt2023 and #OwnVoices. Upload a screenshot of your post side by side with the book added to your TBR list. (Good karma goes to those who go back and leave a review after reading)46Altruist
42(Image – side-by-side) Have a child under the age of 7 design their dream treehouse. Build the prototype or model using recyclables and other materials around your house / yard. The bigger the better. Bonus points for a life-size treehouse. Submit the child’s drawing side by side with what you’ve built.138
43(Video – up to 20 seconds) Go on a roadtrip. BYORAS. (How you interpret this acronym is entirely up to you)33
44(Video – up to 15 seconds) The problem with juggling more than 2 balls is that you don’t have more than 2 hands. We have the solution: Team juggling! Using three or more balls, and two or more people, show us how much better juggling is when the correct number of hands are involved. Post this on social with the hashtag #TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork and #RogueHunt2023. Upload/submit your original video.44
45(Image) Half of discarded clothing ends up in the landfill. Visible mending turns imperfections into art using embroidery, patches, dye, paint, and more. Do your part and fix a garment blemish in a playful way. – Megan27
46(Video – up to 15 seconds) Sign up for and compete in a charity race (type and distance is up to you). You must play an instrument while running/walking/rolling/swimming/rowing/etc. Make sure we can see both your start and finish. -Inspired by Tanja24Altruist
47(Image) Recently, the UK politicians have had nothing better to do than argue about the supposed sexuality of giraffes. Dr Natalie Cooper, a researcher in life sciences at the Natural History Museum weighed in to say that if giraffes subscribed to human identity labels (which they don’t), most would probably be bisexual-aromantics. To show support for our tall queer animal friends, bake bread, cookies, or cake into the shape of a giraffe and use bi and/or aro colored food-dye to decorate. – Inspired by Lynda, who just asked for a bread item, and then the admins went off on a tangent38
48(Video – up to 45 seconds) In 2023, the 50th anniversary of hip hop is being celebrated across the globe. Watch this PBS multi-part documentary about how Black and brown communities have fought injustice and celebrated culture through five decades of hip hop. Create a video celebrating the journey of the last half-century of hip-hop.50
49(Video – up to 15 seconds) Challenge a college or university mascot to a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors while dressed in a competing school’s uniform, mascot costume, or colors.56
50(Video – up to 30 seconds) It’s a Compliment-Off! In this video starring at least two people from your team and two from another team, each person takes a turn saying nice things about the other team. -Megan62Altruist
51(Video – up to 1 minute) You might have heard of a naughty goose going around bothering the local town. Let’s spread chaos in a different way. Dress up as a goose and do as many small kind things for others in 5 minutes. Timelapse. Post on social media with the hashtag #GooseGoesRogue and #RogueHunt2023. Upload/submit your original video.63Altruist
52(Image or PDF) Have a published poet write an original poem for your team. It must include the word rogue. Bonus points if the poet posts the poem to their Instagram or Twitter and tags @theroguehunt62
53(Image) Create a graphic promoting The Starfish Foundation and explaining why others should support it. Post it on Instagram tagging @starfishchange or Facebook tagging The Starfish Foundation / Fundación Estrellitas del Mar. Upload your original graphic. Favorites may be used in a future marketing/fundraising campaign for Giving Tuesday.63Altruist
54(Video – up to 45 seconds – timelapse optional). Cook a meal worthy of a five star restaurant. All cooking must be done over an open fire. No Dutch ovens. (Safety check: Adhere to your local fire restrictions)105
55(Image or PDF) The naming battle for our lil fairy goblin mascot was intense. Eugene finally prevailed with Gronk’k right behind. Turns out Gronk’k is actually Eugene’s long lost bestie. Write and illustrate a story about Eugene and his bestie Gronk’k.98
56(Image – Collage or PDF) Back in May, Charlie Capen, the founder of Towwn and Momentus, posted a poem he wrote when he was 10 titled “I am”. Using his poem as a template, have each member of your team write your own I am Poem. On Friday, August 11, each member of your team should share their poem on Twitter or Instagram and tag @charliecapen. Use the hashtag #RogueHunt2023 . Submit a collage of your poems and/or tweets or a PDF of your poems with a link to your social media post embedded.83
57(Image) Curved mirrors distort images because they send pieces of the image off in different directions that look strange to your eye, but if you send a distorted image into a mirror, then from a certain perspective the image will look correct to your eye! This is called Anamorphosis Cylindrical Mirror Art. Create your own mirror art that depicts your favorite animated character when photographed from the right direction.112
58(Image or PDF) In 2023, more than 500 laws have been proposed targeting trans people in the United States. Select one, educate yourself on it, write a letter to the appropriate representative urging them not to pass it, mail/email the letter, and then post it on social media tagging them or their government office and the rogue hunt. Use the hashtag #RogueHunt2023 and #TransgenderSupport. Submit the screenshot of your post or submit a PDF with a hyperlink to your post embedded.68Altruist
59(Image or video – up to 30 seconds) Marriage proposal or vows made entirely out of horror movie quotes. – Victoria22
60(Image – Grid Item) The laws that dictate good, evil, and chaos are complicated and sometimes subtle. Create an alignment chart for mythical fey and fauna [Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good – Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral – Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil] – Inspired by Joey36
61(Image) Biblically accurate angel food cake58
62(Image) I Yam what I Yam. Carve a self portrait from a yam, potato or any other likely root vegetable. Display it as the fine work of art it is. -Amy47
63(Video – up to 15 seconds) Man Vs. Machine. They keep telling us our jobs are going to be replaced by AI or robots. Prove them wrong. Show a machine or robot attempting and failing to do your job.77
64(Video – up to 15 seconds). Gather 6 or more people (all of whom have the Starfish logo painted on their face of course) and 1 hula hoop. Have each person hold up the hula hoop with one finger… then all they need to do is set the hula hoop on the ground without anyone removing their finger from the hula hoop. Easy peasy.66
65(Video – Stop Motion – Up to 1 minute) Recreate a scene from your favorite book using inanimate objects around your house as the characters.82
66(Image). Work with a teacher or school administrator to donate books to a classroom library. Show us the books and their installation in the classroom.40Altruist
67(Image) Create the cover for a comic book featuring the Rogue Hunt mascot and his goodness glitter60
68(Video – horizontal – up to 30 seconds) Make a video showcasing the failed attempts, shortfalls, bloopers, frustrations, and bursts of laughter from your team’s hunt48
69(Video – up to 15 seconds) Sometimes we see behaviors in the animals around us that remind us of ourselves: Major side eye from a dog, a Racoon jumping for snacks, or impressive contortions from our feline friends. Show us a side-by-side video of you and an animal participating in the same chaotic behavior. Need inspiration? Check out this video from @smacmccreanor:27
70(Image) Find someone whose name is the title of a book and take a picture of them posing with that book.23
71(Video – up to 30 seconds) Buy something for less than a dollar/euro. Trade it (with anyone) for the best thing you can get. Continue to make trades with your new item until you think you have the best thing possible.33
72(Image) Fill 3 or more backpacks with necessities for the unhoused or for domestic abuse survivors. You can drop the backpacks at a shelter or directly with individuals in need. Be sure to bring your goodness glitter. Please do not show the recipients of the backpacks in your submission. -TheBridesMaid62Altruist
73(Video – vertical – up to 10 seconds) Film your video entry to be enlisted in the tiktok chicken army44
74(Video – up to 30 seconds) Early this year Jenna Ortega’s dance to “Goo Goo Muck” by The Cramps as Wednesday Addams went viral. Recreate this dance scene, but featuring Barbie (in any or all of her many forms) as the main character55
75(Image) Every year the Q’eswachaka bridge is re-made of braided grass. Make a small version of the bridge, yes, out of braided grass.88
76(Image) LEGO Printing Press: Use legos to spell out a positive message, then use the legos as a “plate” to create a print of your message.101
77(Video – up to 1 minute) Exact Instructions Drawing Challenge. Have a child under the age of 10 direct you and another person in what to draw. They must describe each line or shape you draw on the paper. You and the other adult must both follow their instructions exactly – written or verbal – based on what you each think they mean. The child cannot provide further explanation once the instructions have been handed over and they cannot tell you what the final picture is supposed to be. Show us both final drawings as well as the child’s original drawing. Let the child give you both a grade for how well they think you did.43
78(Video – up to 15 seconds) Challenge a pilot to see who can make the better paper airplane51
79(Image) One of the most famous rogues is The Dread Pirate Roberts from The Princess Bride. He grappled with the ROUS’s (rodents of unusual size). Using perspective turn your pet into an animal of unusual size and depict your encounter with it. – Dane34
80(Video – up to 15 seconds) Staying home throughout the pandemic showed us all how important it is that we learn to work together with the people we live with. Hold hands with someone else in your household and complete a household chore without letting go.20
81(Image) Recreate one of Hiroshige’s paintings. It must be 2cm square in size or less. – Inspired by Caelan50
82(Video – up to 10 seconds) Create a working puppet or marionette out of items in your fridge / pantry. Make it dance. Then eat it. – Amy46
83(Image) Rail Bikes give a new life to abandoned railroad lines. Sketch (physically or digitally) a design for a new innovative activity that gives new life to now oft ignored or forgotten pieces of equipment, architecture, or machinery68
84(Image) Find a recipe on a local gravestone and make the food/dish. Show us a side by side image of the gravestone and the finished food.28
85(Video – up to 20 seconds) Play the opening notes of Clair de Lune on a морин хуур86
86(Image) Follow the directions at and crochet (and donate!) an octopus for a premie. Submit a photo of your creation along with a caption telling us which unit it’s being donated to. Can’t crochet? Recruit a friend to help!64Altruist
87(Image) Find a Connect the Dots sheet. Now connect the dots wrong (you say “wrong”, we say “creatively”) so that it creates a different picture or message.73
88(Image) In the style of Cecelia Webber, create a human flower, human tree, or human shubbery. Although the image must be made entirely of true photographs of humans, you may use photoshop and/or other digital tools to create your final product and manipulate color.80
89(Video – up to 15 seconds) Take a moment to cut a ribbon to celebrate the first Rogue Hunt, and introduce your team members. Dress appropriately for this glorious occasion. -Carly41
90(Image) We all know and love soul food, but what about sole food?31
91(Image) There is hidden, naturally-occuring beauty in this world. Create a physical model of our Goblin Fairy Eugene and show him interacting with the world around him35
92(Video – up to 30 seconds) Write and perform a Weird Al – esque song parody to teach folks about any science topic. – Anne92
93(Video – up to 30 seconds) – Have a toddler give you three words. Use those words to write and deliver the best freestyle poem or rap – Julie41
94(Image or Video – up to 15 seconds) Spread goodness like glitter122
95(Image – collage) Oh no! Your team has just been dropped in the middle of the apocalypse. Show us something you’re good at (gardening, weaving, hunting, teaching, horseback riding, etc.) and what your role would be in the post-apocalyptic environment. There’s a way for everyone to use their skills for the good of the group.100
96(Image or PDF). Teach a Starfish Scholar about your culture – Share where you live and what makes where you live unique. Stuck for ideas? Include a local food, favorite sport or team, or a popular tradition. If you have teammates from more than one country, you may submit a collage or side-by-side to highlight more than one location.44Altruist
97(Image) In July, participants of Gone GISHing designed the covers of their future autobiographies. To be honest, these books look fascinating! But every author can use a little positive press. Write a 5-star review for one of the yet-to-be-written masterpieces. Be sure to include the author’s name and the title of the book, as well as what made it so epic.27
98PRIZE ITEM (Image or Video – up to 15 seconds). Thursday was originally Thor’s Day, named for the Norse god. But that’s not all! In the Nordic tradition, Odin (also known as Woden) gave his name to Wednesday and Frígg (also known as Freya) gave the name to Friday. What a nice happy family… except they forgot one. Where’s Loki’s day?!? Show us Loki, the only member of the immediate family without a day named after them, petitioning to have a day named after themselves.70Prize Item
99(Image or Video) Pick an existing item on the list and go Rogue with it. As with all items, only submit one item for this. Upload this as Item 99. You still need to submit the original item for that item number if you want points for both items.150Go Rogue!